Sunday, March 25, 2007

What is that?

This is Cardinal Rufino Santos from Manila. Apart from the fact that I cannot remember to ever have seen buckled shoes worn together with a suit, these shoes deserve some attention. Because they have laces and buckles. And the buckles look like His Eminence ripped them off of two gun belts. What's going on here? Please?!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't this mix-up just a case of confusing the episcopal sandals ( as can be seen in Gricigliano - complete in proper colour and with buckles - with footwear of the outlaws in the (Wild) West?
Good intentions, less than perfect outcome.

3:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Episcopal sandals are word for the Liturgy only and should never be confused with 'civillian' dress worn by the clergy which sometimes included buckled shoes. Also, sandles are coloured but buckled shoes are either black or red (for cardinals in their own dioceses). Prelates wore black bucked shoes with the habitus pianus until 1969. Obviously, this is just a Phillipino invention to save money. Laces and buckes is ABSURD, and those.

1:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. A frock coat, in the 1960s ??? Nice but....
I think this combination should have been represented somewhere in a Fellini film.

1:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's the Phillipines, for God's sake! What do you expect from a nation where everyone uses nicknames like "Bongo","Nino","Gigi", etc.

11:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gun belt buckle, lace-up shoes; what good idea for the impoverished!

1:19 PM  

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